Miguel Hernandez is the Founder & President of The OpenMindz Group, an IT consulting and web development firm in Los Angeles. He was recently selected to the Core (patch) testing team for testing.drupal.org where he flexes his longtime QA skills. He started fixing computers in the early 90´s & learned HTML when the ¨new¨ internet was unveiled but not until he was a part of the multi-team effort to rebuild the Ticketamster.com site from the ground up in 2001, did interactive websites pique his curiosity. Shortly thereafter, he started teaching himself various programming languages & applying his skills behind the scenes.In a previous life, he studied Gerontology at USC where he also worked for various, high profile projects which included the Spanish-Speaking Alzheimer´s Disease Research Program (SSADRP). While at SSADRP, at the age of 18, he was the only undergraduate doing graduate-level Alzheimer´s research in the nation.
In his previous (athletic) life, he was a marathon-runner & professional baseball player. He´s very proud of having grown up in South Central L.A. (Watts & Compton) where his athletic skills were honed by having to dodge bullets on a daily basis. He survived all of that but kept going back to help the kids- computer training & coaching 8-12 yr. olds in the beauty that is team sports.
While he loves Drupal & giving back to the community, he hates writing in 3rd person.