Website Suggestions
I thought I might start a container to hold people’s suggestions for this website, which so far looks like the best camp site ever developed!
Here’s a simple suggestion which might even help increase the signups and registrations. How ‘bout putting a count() on the Attendees page to show how many people have registered so far? I think it would be cool to see how many people are coming. :)
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Thanks for the suggestion, as
Thanks for the suggestion, as we have time this week we’ll try and push this change out. It was something in our original plans but in our attempts to launch the site for registration it got over looked.
Thanks for all the great feedback btw.
How to get around first mover bias?
An issue we struggled with at SANDcamp also: Sessions posted early invariably garner the most votes/picks. On top of that, people who registered early will only occasionally come back, and look around much more superficially. As a result, the organizers can never separate the early mover bias from the true interest level for sessions.
Same holds for forum posts.
One simple solution is to push out views of new sessions and new forum posts via email, and invite people to come back and participate in shaping the event. Maybe once a week would do the trick.
Just a thought.
Itinerary List
I’d really like a listing of my selected sessions that includes the current scheduling and room assignment.